Both Marti and myself have choosen our Top 5 films of 2007 and since there's really no reason to build up to these lists here they are:
Marti's List:
1. The Bourne Ultimatum
THE Intelligent action movie of the decade. We know this is the last Bourne outing, but let's hope we can see more action movies like this for the next decade.
2. American Gangster
THE intelligent gangster movie, a towering performance by Denzel Washington and Russell Crowe.
3. I Am Legend:
Thank God that the film is faithful to the end of the now endless productions of Richard Matheson's classic.
4. Sunshine
Trainspotting and 28 Days Later director Boyle's moody Sci Fi wasn't a huge hit, but this is space opera at its best.
5. The Simpsons Movie
The Captain's List: not really in order
1. Into the Wild
This movie still haunts me. I'm not sure why but I really connected to this film and I loved Penn's execution of it. Chris wrote 'Happiness only real when shared', a lesson learned at such a cost.
2. Zodiac - The Director's Cut
Another haunting film based on real events. Fincher captures the brutality, the obsession, the bewilderment that surrounded the Zodiac Killer and his victims. 1970's San Francisco comes to life around the downward spiral that is the life of those involved in finding the killer's true identity.
3. 300
Gratuitous, over-stylized and just 300 tons of awesome. This movie entertains on a level that many just fail to reach. Lack of character development? Lack of plot? Who gives a shit... this is what movie theaters and HD TV's were made for.
4. Hot Fuzz
A worthy and completely satisfying follow up to Shaun of the Dead. Simon Pegg and crew are just hilarious.
5. There Will Be Blood:
The title is not lying. There was literal blood, there was metaphorical blood, the black blood of the earth and there was Daniel Day Lewis. He deserves his best actor nod and Golden Globe win hands down.
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