Captivity, a new horror/thriller movie from Roland Joffé (Super Mario Bros) starring the incredibly sexy Elisha Cuthbert (24) unleashed an ad campaign that has taken things way too far for some people... the ad depicts Elisha's character getting tortured and killed.

Given how absolutley violence hungry America has become, I think I'm more shocked that people actually compained about this poster than I am about the images on it. I mean look at what the news and media put in front of us everyday... are people really shocked by this poster? The number 1 movie the past two weeks is nothing but violence (Frank Miller's 300) and all we ever hear about lately is the Iraq War...
Lionsgate has promised to remove the billboard but they're being slow. I read the treatment and a review of the flick and I gotta say, this ad campaign is probably the only way they would drive people to see this movie. No such thing as bad publicity.... doesn't hurt having a really hot lead actress as well! Meh... now for Elisha's sexy pics...

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