I haven't read the Harry Potter books but I've seen every movie. I don't have time to read 1000 page books but one J.K. Rowling book caught my interest recently. Apparently a book referenced in the last book "
Tales of Beedle the Bard" was
bought by Amazon.com for £1,950,000. The book is 157 pages and handwritten by Rowling herself. It contains five stories and is bound in Moroccan Leather with a skull on the cover.
As I was just made aware of this book I thought it'd make for a good off-topic post for those who hadn't heard of it.

Oh and for those that don't know... J.K. Rowling
is the devil (doesn't she just look so evil!? Oooh scary!) For a good time, see crazy religious nonsense page
here and amazon commenter
When was the last time you heard of the devil donating 2 millions pounds to The Children's Voice campaign! I highly doubt the devil would
start and
dontate to charities. What do I know, maybe she just wants to eat all the kiddies!!
*insert devil faces and pentagrams hereThe Children's Voice campaign is a charity Rowling co-founded to help improve the lives of institutionalized children across Europe.
Anyone wanna lend me a few million £? I'll donate it to charity... I promise!
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