Nicole Kidman and Jennifer Jason Leigh pose for Interview Magazine. See both of them in the upcoming Noad Baumbach film Margot at the Wedding.
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Posted by
The Captain
11:04 PM
Labels: Film Actresses, Interview Magazine, Jennifer Jason Leigh Pictures, Nicole Kidman Pictures
Posted by
The Captain
2:23 PM
Labels: Film Actresses, Jessica Alba Pictures, Movie News, Movie Trailers
Zoe Bell, the stunt woman that played herself in Quentin Taratino's Death Proof. You know, the girl that strapped herself to the hood of the car for that awesome 18 minute long chase sequence. Right, her.
She's just been cast on Lost according to Aint It Cool, and DarkUFO.
To me there's only one reason they'd cast her and it's not her acting. There must be some serious stunt work for her character and having the faith that I have in the writers, I'm sure it will just be awesome. I can't personally wait 'till the season premiere in Feb. '08.
Posted by
The Captain
7:31 PM
Labels: Girls of Lost, TV News, Zoe Bell Pictures
Posted by
The Captain
5:37 PM
Labels: Allure Magazine, Celebrity Skin, Film Actresses, Kiera Knightly Pictures
Posted by
The Captain
2:42 AM
Labels: Charlize Theron Pictures, Esquire Magazine
Posted by
The Captain
2:32 AM
Labels: Movie Trailers, Rambo
Posted by
The Captain
7:01 PM
Labels: Film Actresses, Monica Bellucci Pictures
Into the Wild
CS Rating: Don't miss - especially if you've ever dreamt of giving it all away and heading off across country
This is a Sean Penn movie and knowing that you know you can count on three things: It's gonna be depressing, there will be cameo's from famous actors and it's gonna be artsy. Given that, I felt this was the most enjoyable and least pretensious of Sean's works. I didn't leave feeling so depressed and let down as I did with The Pledge.
I left this movie surprised and out of all the movies I've seen recently, it really stuck with me. Everyday since I've thought of it. It's haunted me a bit but not in a bad way. See, I've always had that urge to drop it all, give away my slice of society and drive off into nothing. To renounce it all and head into the wilderness. This kid actually did it. He graduated college and disappeared after giving away his savings. No one knew where he was going aside form the mismatched lost souls he would encounter on his way to Alaska.
Posted by
The Captain
7:07 PM
Labels: Into the Wild, Movie Reviews
Posted by
The Captain
9:34 AM
Labels: Film Actresses, Monica Bellucci Pictures
Blade Runner: The Final Cut is playing in New York City right now and from the reviews I've been reading it's something not be missed.
See it at:
Clearview Ziegfeld
141 West 54th St, New York, NY 10019
See reviews at here and here.
I'll be posting my own review as soon as I can get over there to the Ziegfeld see it.
The Blade Runner - The Final Cut (Two-Disc Special Edition) set and a huge 5 disc collector's edition both come out Dec 18th 2007.
Posted by
The Captain
9:07 AM
Labels: Blade Runner: Final Cut, Movie News
Posted by
The Captain
3:56 AM
Labels: Goonies 2, Movie News, The Corey's
Posted by
The Captain
12:56 AM
Labels: Cate Blanchett Pictures, Film Actresses, W Magazine
The trailer for Tim Burton's Sweeney Todd film has hit over at Yahoo and it's right in line with Burton's signature style. I personally can't wait. As much as I hated his Planet of the Apes, I have hope that they'll pull this one together well. It'll at least be fun to watch.
Sweeney Todd stars Johnny Depp, Helena Bonham Carter, Alan Rickman, Sacha Baron Cohen and more.
Click here to visit the movie's offical site.
See the trailer in HD and Standard versions here!
Posted by
The Captain
12:36 AM
Labels: Movie News, Movie Trailers, Sweeney Todd
The Kingdom
CS Rating: Too Pro-American for it's own good
Impressively executed, The Kingdom might suck you in but something just isn't right and it took a few post-movie discussions of the film for me to finally figure out what it was. More on that later.
The movie sets out to shock. We live with real violence thanks to the Television shows that lack the class NOT to show the effects of just how bad it can get when one human being does their worst on another. But after the initial terrorist attack the shock wears off quickly as a group of FBI agents (Jamie Fox, Jenifer Garner, Chris Cooper, etc) show up to turn the movie into CSI: Saudi Arabia.
The FBI investigates and jokes it's way through the 'crime scene', putting the clues together in typical convienient fashion and putting the Saudi's to shame as the movie is set on showing that they just can't investigate a terrorist attack.
The 'America is Awesome' feel gets tiring as the movie is stubborn in it's mission to prove that it's us poor American's that keep getting crapped on by these damn backwards third world civilizations.
The movie starts off with a catch up animation piece showing the timeline of the region and oil conflicts that have led our world to where it is today. This to me meant there would be a message to the film. My friend thought that message was incredibly anti-muslim. I felt that the message wasn't so much anti-muslim as it was just typically pro-american. The overall message was lost on both of us - because I think it had something to do with 'violence begets violence' and the film ended with a both American's and Muslims alike swearing to continue the revenge killing.
The actors could have been cardboard cutouts and as much as Jennifer Garner is beautiful to watch, she had very little to do in most of the film. It was disappointing seeing so many quality actors just phone in their performaces.
Jeremy Piven shows up out of nowhere and whoever casted him should be banned from casting for the rest of time. He comes in like his character from Entourage and completely derails the scenes he's in because he sticks out like a sore thumb. He just has no place in this film.
Despite the flaws, I still had a good time watching it - particularly in the final action sequence which in retrospect feels very tacked-on. Someone somewhere obviously thought the movie needed less message and more terrorist ass kicking.
So onto what really just didn't sit well with me and you may not want to read this as it may be spoilerific: The American's had no sacrifices. Everyone on the team got out alive. No one made any mistakes, no one fucked up in anyway shape or form and yes all the characters live. Not one American died and certainly Piven's character should have been blown up. The movie seems to confidently say "Americans get will get in, kill all the baddies, get the main terrorist and get out within a few days and well, Americans' just rule." Did the writers forget that this country has been incapable of finding any well known terrorist in the past 7 years? Bin Laden anyone?!
Posted by
The Captain
3:19 AM
Labels: Movie Reviews, The Kingdom
A Justice League movie is under way at Warner Brothers. Helmed by Happy Feet's George Miller this could be a huge film. You've got Batman, Superman, Flash, Wonder Woman, Aquaman and more all on one screen. Too bad it seems to already be off to a bad start.
Jessica Biel has turned down the part of Wonder Woman and the studio has arrogantly claimed that this film can co-exist with their other franchises The Dark Knight and Superman: Man of Steel without tying into them with any continuity. Meaning, Christian Bale won't be playing Batman and Routh likely won't be playing Superman (although he expressed interest). The Flash feature has been put on hold and the Wonder Woman flick seems dead in the water. The movie is also being rushed for a 2009 release according to Entertainment Weekly.
What this all says to me is that we'll end up seeing some over-produced, no-name cast, mess of a film hacked together by focus group results and glossed over with shitty special effects.
I wonder if they'll just make this Smallville: the Movie.
I do have some faith in Miller (he did make Mad Max afterall) but I'm getting the impression that this is going to be out of his control as it careens wildly into the Warner Bros brick wall.
I feel like we've just seen it so many times before - budgets will balloon, the script will change under the studio's insecurity to make a decent special effects heavy ensemble film, and there will never be enough screen time for any of the superheroes.
Posted by
The Captain
2:31 AM
Labels: Jessica Biel Pictures, Justice League of America, Movie News